Richard Ponder
With a career spanning nearly fifty years Richard Ponder has created several notable art series, images including, most famously, Wellington at Night. You can see the many influences in Richard's work, including Monet, Van Gogh, Pollock, Gerhard Richter, Michael Johnson, and Made Sumadiyasa. To find out more about Richard and his work, click on any of his paintings, or go to our Richard Ponder page here at www.ronagallery.co.nz/Richard_Ponder
Richard’s art, books and prints can be purchased from this website, (links to images of his prints are here, and his books here) his art is also available at Rona Gallery, 151 Muritai Road, Eastbourne and the Black Door Gallery, 251 Parnell Road Auckland.
RONA Gallery, Wellington's favourite bookshop and art gallery, in the heart of Eastbourne, Lower Hutt
151 Muritai Road, Eastbourne, Lower Hutt 5013.
We're open by appointment ph: 027 262 8888